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National Resources

Learn how people all over the United States are ready and equipped to assist fathers 

The National Fatherhood Initiative

The National Fatherhood Initiative transforms organizations and communities by equipping them to intentionally and proactively engage fathers in their children's lives.

Fatherhood Research and Practice Network

Promote rigorous evaluation of fatherhood programs that serve low-income fathers. FRPN has funded evaluation research of programs that aim to increase paternal engagement and parenting skills; improve fathers’ ability to provide economic support; and increase parenting time, father-child contact, positive coparenting and healthy relationships.

National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (NRFC) are to provide, facilitate, and disseminate current research, proven and innovative strategies that will encourage and strengthen fathers and families

Fathers and Families Coalition of America

Fathers and Families Coalition of America's mission is finding a cause bigger than self to support  opportunities that increase family and child protective factors with a focus on the impact of fathers by providing professional development for those who work with parents and caregivers so that they have the skills, knowledge, and access to resources they need to support their child’s development, wellness, restorative justice, social justice, early childhood education, criminal justice and more that help children and their families thrive.



Fatherhood Clearinghouse

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